Hi everyone this is my very first time posting to reddit so please excuse any formalities I may be missing. (:
So I started almost a year ago for the first time in a corporate job so I’m learning the weird little intricacies of the world of being a young millennial working with all 40-50+ aged people in corporate America so that’s why I’m ignorant here.
My boss suddenly dropped on me in March of this year that I’d need to complete and build around 60 websites by end of year. My position is in marketing so this whole year I’ve had to do the entire marketing departments responsibilities as well as an entire web developers team responsibilities. I am essentially two department teams in one person. Because of this I (am first asking for a raise soon since I have yet to receive any compensation for this) and second of all, I am trying to find ways to streamline all this work and make it as easy as possible. Since I’m building all 60 I’m also in charge of all updating and web edits going forward for all websites. I also create graphic design for all of them plus our corporate office. So I asked my boss a couple months ago if I can create a specific work email that’s requests@ourwork type of deal and get all graphics and web edit requests to that email so they don’t all pile into my personal work email. He said yes. Today he storms into my work email, why are you doing this? Why can’t you just accept graphics requests from corporate employees to your personal inbox? You need to talk to me before you implement things and ask coworkers to email you at your requests email. There’s processes.
I explained to him he already ok’d it and the inbox will insanely help because my personal work email gets almost exactly 100 emails a day from vendors and other coworkers I have other marketing projects with, and everyone always sends me 4-5 initial email requests just for 1 graphic and it gets jumbled in my inbox and the requests email will insanely help by asking for just 1 initial email and a due date and urgency status. I’ll also be able to sort them according to urgency and they’ll get done MUCH faster. My boss no joke replies that he only agrees with some of that “in theory”. And requests I essentially use my personal email to process all corporate requests because he needs those done faster since they are most important. I try explaining to him that they would actually get done MUCH faster with the requests email as opposed to my personal email because of the reasons I stated above. He just called a meeting at 10am tomorrow to discuss this because he wants me to just use my personal email and wants to discuss it.
I just don’t feel like I have any autonomy. I’m supposed to be head of marketing for a big company and I rarely get to make my own processes or decisions. I have to ask his permission to freaking sort my inbox for crying out loud. My ideas constantly get shot down and I don’t feel like I’m ever heard. He’s a nice guy, he’s never like mean or verbally demeaning but these little things drive me insane.
So now I have to spend time I could be making a new website having to prepare for a meeting to be able to sort my email inbox.
What should I say during tomorrow’s meeting? Should I just let it go since I’m asking for a raise soon? Give in? It’ll make my job much harder but I can always just job hunt when the pandemic is over. My position starts at 30k more in my city than I’m making, and that’s just for the marketing title. Doesn’t include that I’m also an entire web dev team as well.
Is it ok to ask if he thinks I’ll be able to make my own processes for a project in the future? Or ask him what I’m allowed to create my own processes for and what I need permission to do? I’ve never been in charge of my own project and I feel like a child sometimes. I feel like I may have to ask him if I can breathe next :/ any suggestions?
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