What jobs are available?

I (19m) don't know what I want to do in the future. I'm currently in the Navy as well as College for Business Diploma, but I'm not sure what I want to do when I'm done those.

I'm not sure what jobs are available with my skills and education, I want something that pays well and isn't going to require years of training or away from home. I don't have much work experience either in all honesty, just the Navy and part time jobs at a restaurant, and at a retail store.

I like doing hands on things, but don't mind an office job. Ideally it'd be something I'm interested in, but not required. I'm interested in cars, videogames, tech, and helping people. But once again my interest are kinda vague and generic, so any job I can get that pays well (more than $60k a year) will be ok with me. Also I live in Canada and in an urban city if that makes any difference.

Thank you!

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What jobs are available? What jobs are available? Reviewed by Louhi on août 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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