Hi, I've been with my current company for nearly 15 years and in this time I've had several promotions - my most recent being 2 years ago where I moved into a position that I truly enjoy and that feels like the perfect fit. My department is small and set up in a way that there aren't many managers and everyone reports to either the VP or the Assisant VP of the Department. We had a director who managed a small subset of the overall department but she resigned several months ago.
In my new role, I've reported to the AVP (there are only 2 staff who report directly to the VP). Today I was told (in a very positive way) that the Department is being reorganized and I would begin reporting directly to the VP as the AVP will be taking on the responsibilities and reports of the previous director. I'm the only one who is moving from reporting to the AVP to the VP and have been told there are likely more changes in the reporting structure coming. I've also been told I am, at the moment, the only one aware of this.
Now, I have an excellent track record with my company. I'm hard working, dedicated and efficient. Not to toot my own horn but I know I'm an asset to my department and the company.
I'm not super concerned about a negative outcome here but with the craziness of today's world, I feel slightly worried but mostly uncertain. I think I'm just looking for an outsider opinion on what may be going on here and if I should have any concerns or whether this could actually be a positive sign of potential growth and vertical movement in my career. I think it's a positive but with no title change or promotion it just feels... strange, I guess.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks so much (sorry for the lengthy post)!
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