I just got a real job offer! Talk some sense into me

So I just got a real job offer for the first time since I graduated in 2017 and I’m like really so so about it. I’m afraid this means that this is it for me. I know that’s dumb but I wouldn’t mind hearing from people who’ve changed industries later in life and fell in love with their job.

I guess I lukewarm about the job because it’s in banking compliance. I’m not even totally transparent on what I’ll be doing yet but I’m sure it’s a lot of desk work. Since graduating, I’ve been taking contract jobs that charge over $300 a month for healthcare with deductibles of $5000! I never had a sick day without having to pay 100s. I didn’t get paid holiday nor could I afford a vacation. And there’s always that fear about what happens when the contract is over. I been unemployed a twice in my life already. It’s not fun.

I’m still working towards a dreamier job. I’ll be in graduate school part time starting next year. I’d like to do think tank work or gov consulting. Maybe even gov work.

I calculated and this job will leave me with $4100 after taxes! My deductible is only $500. I get 3 weeks vacation, yearly bonus, paid holidays, 401k that gets matched after a year! They even have a pension plan still that they fully contribute too. Rent in my city is like $1050-1150 right now too.

Please tell me how crazy I am. I just don’t want to get stuck in compliance which is what I’ve been doing the last 2 years as well. (Of course I’m going to take it but how do I stay motivated in your career ambitions when you’re employed)

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I just got a real job offer! Talk some sense into me I just got a real job offer! Talk some sense into me Reviewed by Louhi on août 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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