First ever job interview tomorrow. Nervous.

Hey guys. I have my first ever job interview tomorrow morning. It’s gonna be a group interview (we are gonna get interviewed by multiple people and there’s others besides me) over on Zoom for being a tutor and I’m pretty worried. A friend who works for the club/program/organization told me that the interviewers are very chill and like to joke around, with another friend who knows who works with them telling me something similar. Guess this makes it so this isn’t a completely “professional” interview, but I’m still anxious. Any tips? I wrote down 8-9 sample questions and have basically memorized the answers at this point so I have preparation done. Appreciate it!

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First ever job interview tomorrow. Nervous. First ever job interview tomorrow. Nervous. Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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