I am 25 years old; I have only worked 2 jobs so far in my career. The first one, I just straight up quit because I did not care about the company (they treated me very poorly) and moved into the job I am currently working at. Last week, I got a job offer that is giving me a good pay increase, with a way better technology stack that will help build my career into the path I want it to be. With that being said, I am so anxious and worried about how I want to resign. I have never resigned or worked two weeks’ notice before. Part of me feels bad because I am going to be leaving the team, and the people who helped support me in my job, but I already made the decision that I need to move on and take care of myself. Because of COVID, I received a pay deduction, and there has been no sign of it coming back. The kicker is my boss has hired 2 new people since the pay cut. So how does that make me feel? Unappreciated. He makes it out to be that we must sacrifice for the company to succeed. The company is a startup, and my boss is the CEO. Initially, my idea was that next week, I was going to go in person and talk with him and give him my resignation letter. But yesterday he said he will be working from home next week, and then will be on vacation for 2 weeks after that. So right now, my only options are giving him a call, or a call and an email, or just an email. I hate confrontation, so I am opting for the email route to avoid facing him head on. I also don’t want anything I say not to be documented. I don’t need his reference for the new job offer. I fear that my boss might retaliate when he finds out I’m leaving, so I want to play this as safe as possible. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
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