A job offer came from Company A Friday. I delayed them and asked to give an answer by EOD Tuesday. This job is a 4% increase in salary, and overall 80% what I like to do as far as career but is a mid-level job labeled as a junior level job. I met with 2 members of the team and the COO and I like them all quite a bit. It's a newly formed department of 3 people.
Company B I had an HR screening and separate interview a week ago. Never heard anything until a phone call Friday before my final interview with Company A. I was the first of a week's worth of interviews and they just wrapped up that morning. The recruiter asked how I felt about it and said the people I interviewed liked me. It's a department of over 50 people. I told her that I had a final interview with a company later that day which she appreciated for my transparency. I also let her know I preferred Company B but I am after remote work ASAP (both basically remote). She laid out the timeline. By Tuesday (or Wednesday), they will confirm and schedule if I'm in the last 2 people for the final interview (she implied I was). By end of the week, they would have the final decision. She also said to let her know if I hear from Company A either way. So I did email her later letting letter her know offer came in and I'd call Monday morning.
Company B is 95% ideal job. It's 30% salary increase, and 30% more PTO. It's a higher-mid level job with a senior title. Of those people I've interviewed (recruiter, manager, and colleague), very much liked them as well.
The one thing I want to avoid is accepting the job and bailing for another. Company A seem nice and they've been upfront with me throughout the process.
Current plan is to wait until EOD Tuesday to confirm with Company A, and try to get confirmation with Company B that I'm in the running and ideally if they had a preference for me. If they do say they lean for me, be up front with company A of why I want an extension (assuming they ask why). If they don't lean towards me, accept Company A and see if I want to accept after Company B if it's offered.
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