How should I let my boss know about being sick?


So last week, on Monday someone was covid positive and everyone could not come back unless tested negative(so the office was closed on Tuesday). I took a test on Wednesday and I immediately went back to work since I was negative. As the week went on, when I went to work on Friday I was coughing a bit (had a mask on and sanitized and washed hands regularly, no one was around me). I believe I became sick because I ate sesame seeds last Sunday (which I’m allergic too) and as the week went on my throat became a tiny bit itchy, then small coughs on Friday and Saturday, and now today with a stuffy nose and congestion. How should I let my boss know that maybe I should work from home for a bit, or just until it clears up because you never know?

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How should I let my boss know about being sick? How should I let my boss know about being sick? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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