Feel like I have this job in the bag. Do I actually though?

Alright so I just graduated in May with a degree in comp sci. I had a job offer prior to graduating that was actually rescinded due to covid. Anyway I had a second round interview on Friday with a new company and it went extremely well. There was just this feeling that I got the job towards the end of the interview. The guy briefly talked about plans he has for me on all this stuff, it became less an interview and more an introduction to the company. Then I got a reply to my follow-up and the manager who interviewed me said:

"Great talking with you too. We're doing our final review as we speak. We look forward to working with you. He then asked me what my start date was.

That all happened on Friday. Today, I got an email from the CEO clarifying a detail, and I thought I would receive an offer letter today but I didn't.

Anyway, is there any reason they would conduct themselves like this if I wasn't going to get the job? I know stuff happens, but besides that they obviously intend on hiring me right?

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Feel like I have this job in the bag. Do I actually though? Feel like I have this job in the bag. Do I actually though? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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