Hi All,
I started a job pre-COVID and have been in this job for about 5 months now. It is a corporate job so nothing on the front line and thankfully allowed to work from home. Lately however, every time I get close to logging into work again, I get endless anxiety and panic and it feels like I am suffocating.
Our initial team of 10 got laid off to a team of 4. My already busy workload doubled and we also received pay-cuts across the board. The last few weeks, I decided to stop complaining, be grateful I had work and I went into another gear to complete assignments that had hard deadlines which no one else had space on their plate to complete. I found myself working 9AM to 10-10:30PM on most weekdays and even logging in on the weekend to complete some assignments (I do not receive OT as I am exempt/salaried-- all of these were extra hours). Whats frustrating is I already felt like I had more work than most of the members on my team but last week, I found out a member of our team was going to be leaving their work and working with another team (which has nothing to do with their job description or duties) and because of that, a lot more work they couldn't handle anymore was sliding my way.
This other team member is essentially a chief member of the company (Sr. of our team) and no one can really say anything to them. My manager passed a lot more work to me on friday and I have been contemplating quitting ever since. I was already working way too much for my pay grade and my level (~two years experience out of college) and now with more work, it would take me 90 hour work weeks it feels to actually get them done. The assignments are extremely long, difficult and tedious, they continue to pile on, and it seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The other team members (minus the senior member working with a different team) all claim to have a lot on their plate as well and refuse to take on more work. I am not judging or belittling their workload, but I can see them logging off at normal hours through the week and enjoying their weekends offline. Meanwhile, I am working until the end of the night, only to sleep and wake and work again. It has spilled into my personal life at this point as I have no motivation to do anything at all and my attitude has not been the best with family/friends.
I already feel close to burning out, no motivation to complete the work, and now with more work piling on, plus an already reduced salary, I just dont know what the best move is here. I have enough savings to get through the rest of the year if unemployed, but am relatively confident I can find new work soon in my field. I want to leave but I also feel bad or leaving the team in this condition, even though I never seem to get any credit or gratitude for everything I have completed thus far. Its just "Okay nice, here's more to do!" -- which is fine, but with everything else going on right now, kind of belittling to me. I dont wish to be celebrated, but somewhat of a break would be nice. (I doubt any PTO would even be approved as under these conditions they cant afford to lose me for a single day i think)
Any advice on how I can approach this? I wanted to touch base with my manager and tell them I want to leave and for them to find a replacement. That way they can try to find a replacement for when I leave and arent left flustered. Either that or tell my manager about the burn-out, in hopes something may change, but I know they wont do anything in terms of lowering the workload as they dont have the personnel or money to bring support in (large well known company, but hit pretty hard due to COVID and now penny pinching). I can also gut it out further until I find a new job, but a lot of jobs are asking for an immediate start right now and I feel continuing to string them along and leaving them with no notice might be a bad thing to do. Any and all advice/help would be appreciated. What would you do or what do you think is the best route here? I know personally, I do not like my role here and dont want to work for this company any longer. Last week solidified that for me. I just dont know how movingforward, in these conditions, is best done.
Thanks so much!!
TLDR: working most days from 9AM-10PM and often times on weekends as well. Manager tells me a member of our team is being pulled to do work unrelated to their job and drops more work on me. I feel like I am suffocating as it already took extreme hours to complete my work, and now I cant imagine how long I have to work to catch up. Already lean team due to lay-offs, pay cuts due to COVID, frustrated at management and I feel like quitting due to burn-out.
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