How bad would it look on my resume if I quit my first job when I go back to school?

Hi there. Two weeks ago, I began my first job, which is part-time as a cashier/floor associate in a retail chain store. This was shortly after my spring semester of college ended and therefore summer break began. I originally was supposed to have an internship relating to my field of study for this summer, but with the current world circumstances that has been delayed to next summer. So, I decided to get some experience outside of my field of study and get a retail job. I like the job well enough, it's just my manager (at least in these particular time I have been there so far) has scheduled me for about five hours for three or four days a week, and often makes me work past the time my shift ends. This is of course not bad at all as I have nothing better to do right now. However, I am slightly worried about this when I go back to college in the fall. I am taking 18 hours next semester (the most my school allows without special permission). Every day of the week will be spent in class from about 9:00 in the morning to about 5:00 in the afternoon. I also commute back and forth to school, which is about 40 minutes away from where I live. I'm concerned that keeping my job (if my manager keeps up with the way she likes to schedule me) will just be too much for me. I have completed all of my GER's at this point in college, so I am going to be taking some high level and, from what I hear, pretty challenging classes and I just don't know if I can continue to work with this schoolwork load. I know I could try to talk to my manager about this, but she seems to be a hard person to reason with and I'm afraid that when I do try to talk to her, it will do no good. So please, assume with your answer that she will not change her manner of scheduling much. Will it look awful on my resume if I do quit my job in the beginning of August? This is incredibly important to me, as my field of study requires graduate schooling (a doctorate, in fact) and I do not want to hurt my chances of getting into said graduate school, which is pretty competitive for this field. I also obviously do not want to hurt my chances of getting hired ever again. Does anyone have any advice?

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How bad would it look on my resume if I quit my first job when I go back to school? How bad would it look on my resume if I quit my first job when I go back to school? Reviewed by Louhi on mai 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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