How do you cope with a toxic retail job?

I currently work full-time in a coffee shop. It's busy as hell. I've been doing this for about a month, and I'm already hating it because:

- The manager has called in sick for 90% of the shifts I've worked there, forcing me to pick up her slack. She's been fired for bad behaviour and we won't get one for another two-three weeks meaning we currently do not have a manager. I'm expected to perform duties that at normal places, only a supervisor would perform (such as counting the cash register) without getting the pay for one or even as much as a thank you.

- I was never properly trained and I haven't signed a contract nor been informed of my pay or health and safety (I know this from my pay slip and 'asking' other employees), but this was never explained to me in full.

- 95% of the former staff have quit. The staff we have left is clueless and don't even know the basics of the basics due tolack of training, so I have to supervise them by telling them how to do things despite barely knowing how to do them myself.

- I have to work alone for hours as the company wants to cut down on labor costs. These are weekend shifts where we have customers out the door. I have to be the barista, the cleaner, the cashier all at once and I regularly work overtime for up to 2+ hours closing alone. This is particularly bothersome because we work in close proximity to one of the biggest drug squares in my country and I handle cash. People sometimes come in who are on meth/heroin and I have to deal with them. I have never been told how to deal with a potential robbery.

- I spend a significant amount of time stressed out, bitter and angry and I can't even bother pretending being nice to customers anymore because I don't want them there.


The only thing that's kind of keeping me is the pay - it's $14 standard rate yet $16.30 on weekends and that's more than most other coffee shops in my area pay. I'm also just here until January anyway. Should I quit or are there ways to put up with this?

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How do you cope with a toxic retail job? How do you cope with a toxic retail job? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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