I spent the last 2 years in an abusive relationship with my ex and was unemployed through most of it because I was so depressed and my ex would tell me what jobs I should and shouldn’t take based on if there was a high possibility of me getting hit on (like receptionist or waitress jobs) because of how controlling and possessive he was and I stupidly listened to him and had to pass off many job opportunities.
When I was in high school I worked at fast food joints as jobs to work at for some money on the side and to save up for a car so they didn’t last very long. And I quit (without two weeks notice) all of them because I was a stupid irresponsible teenager.
So my resume isn’t really impressive at all. I feel like the only people that would hire me right now would be fast food joints and I’ve been applying but even now they won’t even give me the time of day. I feel like I wasted so much potential and now I just look under qualified and lazy to potential employers who see my work history. Does anyone have any advice on how to land a job?
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