How to handle a boss who is verbally and emotionally abusive

Hi all,

I have lurked here for a while but never posted. But I am here today to get some perspective on how to handle my boss who is abusive in so many ways.

I have worked at this small business for nearly 5 years. I was hired as an intern after my freshman year of college there and they loved me so much that 3 years later they made me a very competitor offer to come on board full time. I am the marketing coordinator for the company so I work directly under the owner of the company. I report to our operations officer but I also quasi report to the owner of the company.

Recently over the last 6 months he has had a relapse with a drinking and drug abuse habit. This makes him lash out at employees and specifically me for reasons that I don’t know. On several occasions he has made fun of me for the way I speak (I suffered a severe concussion a few years back and never fully recovered so I am easy to trip over my words etc.), he does not hesitate to curse me out on a daily basis over absolutely nothing, he micromanages me to a point where I can’t get anything done and he constantly bothers me outside of work hours.

While I am normally sympathetic to those who struggle with addiction, I have finally reached my breaking point with him. This past Friday he called me out of the blue to tell me that he was laying me off, the only way I could avoid a lay-off was if I took a demotion within the company but also continued to do my regular job (I believe this is retaliation for working from home during lockdown). I took the demotion after feeling completely blindsided with no time to think through what I agreed to. After spending the weekend constantly on the brink of a panic attack I began putting my resume out. Unfortunately due to the current situation of the world I don’t think I’ll be able to find a new position in the next few weeks. How do I go about dealing with this emotional and verbal abuse for the time being while I’m trying to find a new job. It’s very hard to reason with someone who is under the influence literally all hours of the day and I just don’t know what to do because I need to work in order to live.

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How to handle a boss who is verbally and emotionally abusive How to handle a boss who is verbally and emotionally abusive Reviewed by Louhi on mars 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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