Yesterday I dropped off my application, resume, and cover letter at a locally ran mortgage company. During this application drop off the manager told the receptionist to have me come back to his office to visit with him real quick. He looked over the things I brought in and said "I really like you but want to set up a time soon to do an actual interview when we both have more time." I thanked him and we set up an interview for the next day (today) for 11am. Today, I show up for the interview... Receptionist: "Ummm he's not here today, did he not call you?" I check my phone in front of her and say "no, I haven't had any incoming calls today or yesterday from him or anyone from the company." She replied "Yeah he had to go clean his Airbnb property." I speak as of it is no bother to me and thank her for her time. She said she'll right down my name and have him call me.
This is a huge red flag for me......
Should I call them after the weekend on Monday if I don't hear anything? Part of me just wants to blow it off if this is how they handle business. I like the job I have now but this job pays more and 8-5 mon-fri. Is it normal or rare to be stood up like this?
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