Looking for a new job - I want to use Linked In but I don't want my employer to see

Hi everyone,

I am feeling overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated and have been looking for a new job for the past four years. I have applied to numerous positions with no success. I have reached out to friends who work at companies I would like to work at, but so far nothing has been successful. I created a linked in profile and have over the years had recruiters message me but so far nothing has come of it. I was considering revamping my profile and making it much more comprehensive as well as flag my profile as someone looking for a new job. However, my supervisor is very active on the site, I could block him but our clients use the site and it would be impossible to block everyone who has communication with him. I am out of ideas on what to do. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do without him seeing. I'm certain if he saw I was looking for a new job he would fire me before I could get a new one.

For reference, I graduated with my masters in microbiology in 2014 and I am looking to transition into regulatory affairs.

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Looking for a new job - I want to use Linked In but I don't want my employer to see Looking for a new job - I want to use Linked In but I don't want my employer to see Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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