SO is getting promoted but he already has plans on putting his 1 month notice, will this look bad on his resume?

IT Industry.

He's getting promoted this December from Senior Engineer to a Team Lead, despite being the acting Team Lead for the past year. Due to the toxicity of the workplace, he has decided months ago to resign on December and look for jobs by January. He didnt want to forfeit his year-end bonus that's why he waited this long.

But since he's getting promoted, that bonus might get cut in half. Salary-wise the company is not that generous, unless he gets at least a 20k increase, he could stay, but lower than that he's out the door.

Given the circumstance, he's very worried that he might not be eligible to apply for Team Lead positions since he will only have less than a month with that title.

My advice is for him to confirm with his manager what additional tasks and responsibilities will he take on with the new role. If he's still gonna do the same thing he's been doing for the past year with a few additonal responsibilities, then I believe he has credible experience right?

If he's doing Team Lead tasks, but not yet titled as a Team Lead, that still counts as experience, right?

Should he really be worried?

Tl;dr: SO gets promoted but still plans on resigning due to toxic work environment, will this look bad on his resume even if the role he's getting promoted to is what he has been doing for the past year?

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SO is getting promoted but he already has plans on putting his 1 month notice, will this look bad on his resume? SO is getting promoted but he already has plans on putting his 1 month notice, will this look bad on his resume? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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