Trying to train a new guy in my job, any tips?

I (20M) do not want to be his supervisor or boss, i want to be a leader.

I've been chosen to train a new guy (24M), but I simply fail to give a few tips or requests. If i run through my workplace i can see many problems which i can solve. However, when i'm planning something for him, i simply fail. It all ends with him doing one or two small tasks. Yeah, small tasks are what he need to do by now since he is learning. BUT as i said, I fail to make a list of what he can do, and how to explain to him.

Also, I fear that my own supervisors will probably think i dont fit to "command" if he doesnt obey my requests immediatly, so sometimes i end up putting so much pressure on him.

What can I do? What can I improve in my own "teaching methods"?

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Trying to train a new guy in my job, any tips? Trying to train a new guy in my job, any tips? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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