I began as an intern at my company about 2 years ago. 6 months ago-post college graduation- they took me as a full time employee in finance. I will preface this by saying I absolutely loved my job, my coworkers, and all was good. I had a desk against the wall, very quiet and private, and I was extremely happy to come to work everyday, even way before my scheduled time (salary).
When they took me on, apparently this upset a lady that had been there for 7 years but with less education than me. On top of this, my boss made her and I switch desks because she was more in the center of the department and I was against the wall. This upset both of us, and I made it very clear to my boss in a private meeting that I have diagnosed and medicated PTSD, anxiety, and depression and was not comfortable sitting with my back to the room and in a large group. Also told her that my medication would affect my concentration and performance if I had to increase dosage (I did). Her response was “nobody in this office is going to put hands on you and sometimes we have to do things in our career that upset us.”
I moved and tried to make the best of it. Disgruntled coworker mentioned above made it her job to make my life absolute hell. Would bring in treats and pass them out to everyone except me, in front of me, make group meetings and lunch plans to the dept. excluding me, I brought this up to my boss several times that it was affecting my productivity and she told me to stop speaking to coworker and ignore it.
Now to September (current) coworker is copying my boss on emails telling her I am not completing work, and that I am reading her emails and deleting them from a shared invoicing inbox. She also claimed that she did a portion of my work for me while I was out on bereavement, and then exclaimed to boss that I didn’t do my work when boss asked why it wasn’t done (she lied about doing it). Boss is fully taking her side because of the time they’ve worked together, and coworker is about 45 years older than me. My boss has zero trust for me and thinks I’m skirting responsibility.
Reason I quit: I went to the doctor last week for chest pain and I have severe swelling in my heart muscles, cartilage around my ribs, and the lymph nodes on top of my heart region from severe stress. I’m only 23.
I hate to leave my job but I’m terrified that it is severely impacting my physical health. Should I tell HR?
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