Planning to give 2 Week notice tomorrow have dental procedure scheduled Friday, concerned about coverage

So I got an offer today and they want me to give notice ASAP and get started ASAP.

I've never seen anyone give notice at my work in the 9 months I've been there. A co-worker who knows I got an offer said he saw a long-time employee get walked out after giving his 2-week notice.

I have a root canal scheduled Friday and called the Dentist about what would happen if I didn't have coverage when they billed and they said it would be $900 additional out of pocket. OUCH.

So my question is if I give notice and they walk me before my dental appointment, would my benefits still be in place? This is in AZ, USA


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Planning to give 2 Week notice tomorrow have dental procedure scheduled Friday, concerned about coverage Planning to give 2 Week notice tomorrow have dental procedure scheduled Friday, concerned about coverage Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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