Need a job but not sure what to look for. Have AA, currently doing BA in business. Working part time retail.
Ok so I took a year off of college after getting my AA in business at a community college. I felt like I hadn't learned anything about what actual business jobs are like or even what I want to focus in. During that time I've been working minimum wage part time as well as some random eCommerce oddjobs (more about that later)
I went back to school full time after my break and I'm still feeling the same way despite everyone saying how much better upper level classes were. This semester I had to drop down to part time online over the weekends in preparation for the family I've been living with rent-free during college moving out of state. This means my minimum wage income will no longer do, which is honestly good timing because I've been getting real tired of retail.
To afford the cheapest of the cheap places in my area with a roommate I'd need to make at least 35k
My only experience has been in customer service retail and 3 years of on and off eCommerce positions helping a family member and a family friend build and run their Shopify website as well as eBay and Etsy (plus some minor Amazon). I've never had a "traditional office job" and I don't even know what positions I should be looking for.
I think my best bet is getting hired on as an eCommerce Specialist somewhere as I genuinely love it and am experienced at it. If I could I would work full time for either of my family friend or family member's companies, but neither of them are able to afford to take me.
I had a really promising lead from a family member who hooked me up with 2 interviews with a company to help transition their website to Shopify, but despite things going extremely well and me getting hints that I was going to get the position, it's been 2 weeks since they last responded to any of my correspondence and I'm starting to look elsewhere. That has been a pretty rough punch to the gut because it seemed to be a dream come true, but the more depressing thing is that none of the applications I have been putting out for entry level eCommerce positions have responded either.
My mother is a director for a major company out of state and in charge of hiring a lot of people and she helped me write out my resume, so I can't imagine it's that it's bad.
Just looking for some general advice on what to do for my situation.
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