Recently I booked my first job interview for a part time job at a retail store. However, my hours have changed significantly since I applied- it was during the summertime so I put myself as open. I applied in early June, and my application was declined. Later I received an email saying that I was in consideration for the job, and about a week later I was told to book an interview.
I can now only work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday due to my studies being in the way (this isn't my choice because my mother says that I can't work weekdays.) I can also tell the manager that I'm open during school breaks (and after school once I've been in school for a few months or so)
Before I got the email for the interview I tried changing my hours but the job site wouldn't let me.
What is the best way to tell the manager about my changed availability, and how much do you think this could affect my chances?
edit: fixed a stupid spelling mistake
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