I’ve been working at my first job since I’ve been a sophomore in high school- it will be 7 years this September. It used to be great, but it’s become a toxic environment for me. It’s a family owned floral shop.
I’ve been “promoted” to a key-holder, do 4 different roles for the company, but still get paid minimum wage after 7 years. The general managers (the boss’ daughters) are lazy and always redirect all sales to me. (Including a situation where I was assisting a customer on the phone, one manager was in the restroom and the other manager was doing light office work. The manager who was doing office work had to help a customer in the store and proceeded to ask how she “lost” and had to help the customer....when no one else was available.) They only are helpful when money’s involved - such as a customer requesting a refund. And they arrive 30-60 minutes after their shift starts. Daily.
I’ve gotten fed up with the overworking and underpayment - I can barely pay for my own bills here, and end up physically sick from stress, anxiety and depression.
My concern is that I’ve been there for 7 years and have become a key part of the team. They rely on me for a lot. While the owner and managers always say they would never resent someone for taking a better paying job, the managers talk poorly about any employee that is leaving for a new job. Also, I believe they can tell I’m finally taking the initiative to find a place where I would get paid more and can progress, as they’ve been planning family vacations. One week a month for the next three months. Leaving just me and the other key holder for operations while they are gone making it EXTREMELY hard to leave/ essentially guilting me into saying.
My coworker has also been stating that the family has been “asking” about me (if I’m mad at them, if they did something, whats happening, etc) I’ve been very open with my coworker and she’s been good about keeping my autonomy about the situation.
But, when I finally get a job offer- how do I go about resigning when they’re making it so hard to do (three vacations and then we get into our busy holiday time). They’ve already bashed my coworker for wanting to go onto social security and guilted her into stay. So please help r/jobs
TL/DR: my workplace is toxic and causing physical sickness and pays me minimum wage after 7 years. Family that owns it is making it difficult to leave. What would be the best way to approach once I get a job offer.
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