Why Do People Snitch on Co-Workers?

If you're someone that tattletales on an employee, why do you do it? What's your motive?

Why don't you mind your own business? What is worth reporting someone for a minor infraction, but isn't committing an actual crime or harming the company in any real way?

Do you feel better about yourself? Is it because you feel morally obligated to be a "Say Something Sally?" Did you ever consider just letting small things go, or are you so beholden to your personal code of ethics, that you can't do it?

I just want everyone that rats employees out for the office equivalent of sticking your hand in the cookie jar, that you're a loser and everyone hates you. And if you can face the co-worker that you anonymously ratted out and act all friendly toward them then you're a sociopath whom that person should have nothing to do with.

Advice to new office workers, don't trust anyone. To quote Shakespeare: There are knives behind men's smiles.

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Why Do People Snitch on Co-Workers? Why Do People Snitch on Co-Workers? Reviewed by Louhi on août 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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