Please help me

This one is long.... A sincere thank you to all for your time and advice in advance

I'm a first-semester senior in college. My major is one where your image (honesty) is very very important, and there's also a structured recruiting process. In fact, I'll be doing recruiting for an internship very soon, where (obviously) I'll hand out and discuss and resume and whatnot. But here's the situation

I currently work for an X company ( X company only hires students btw), which partners with big companies to provide customer service. I'm in one of their programs, working support for a big Y company. Recently, an investigation by this big company has been going on to catch students who've sent themselves free subscriptions or lifetime products (as part of support for the big business we can send tokens to customers). And my name pulled up.

So yeah, I did send myself a subscription, but for one month. One month of Z product which can be obtained for free through the company's website, one month we as tech support are told we can give out to any customer that we talk with. It's very important to note that I didn't send myself this month for personal gain, as I already own this product AND also get it for free because I work there. I was testing something in the token process, which I won't get into detail because it'd just give more clues as to what company this is (it's not insanely hard to figure out).

HR called me and told me about the investigation by Y company, and that while this goes on I'll be on suspension. They said the investigation would come to a conclusion by the end of the week. I messaged my supervisor and caught him up to speed (HR claims he wasn't made aware) and gave all the reasons why I wouldn't "steal" a month of this subscription. He said he'd passed the information along to HR and the manager (honestly, I don't think he can do much for me but it'd help for him to give his thoughts if asked?)

So yeah.. here's the big dilemma: my work email is no longer accessible, it's been suspended. Before that, I noticed I was removed from the big team group (where all customer service students can talk/ask for help). I was told by X company that the Y big company would reach a decision by the end of the week, which seems like a short amount of time for me.

I can't make my case with Y company (if I could, there wouldn't even an issue), as there's an intermediary which is X company, and they are my employer. Problem is, looks like if Y (big company) decides they don't want me anymore, X company will fire me. But fine, I can pay bills and get by without working. What I'm more concerned about is how this will affect me when I recruit for my major, and if it's better to resign tomorrow or wait for them to terminate me. I was also thinking of going to talk with HR, but even if they agree with me I don't know how much they could do to prevent me from getting fired.

So.. for recruiting purposes, and under this situation, would I be better off just quitting tomorrow? (based on the above fact) it doesn't look like the big company wants me anymore, and that most likely means I'll be fired, which is something I'll get asked about, and once again, image and reliability is everything for my major. But then again, any human (pretty much given this investigation was started by a computer, as it's a big big company) being would understand that I didn't "steal" (knowingly take something for personal gain), in fact, I haven't even made use of that one month subscription as I already own the product through other mediums

Also my employer offers tuition assistance. And I have the max amount for the semester (~$2600) as set by federal standards. I wouldn't mind giving this up as I've already got my tuition covered, but obviously I don't want to resign and give it up if it's better to wait. If I get terminated I obviously don't get the TA

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Please help me Please help me Reviewed by Louhi on août 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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