I just got hired in one of top banks in my country but i graduated with a degree of IT and it's not in my field.
I really want to get hired in this company and luckily I passed all the assessments but I realized that my field of work is not that related to my degree I finished on.
The problem was there's a side of me that I want to continue because it really makes my parents proud to be hired from this top bank, good benefits and other than that I also want to experience banking industry but I'm afraid that if I stayed here for a long while I might forget what I actually learned from my degree or I'm afraid that I won't have any growth from this.
I'm really confused If i should go continue with this or I should just quit and get a new job related to my field but it's really suffocating to think to apply again in several companies, take exams take interviews again and wait wait for days ughh help me i don't know anymore hahaha
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