I originally posted this in r/legaladvice and they suggested I crosspost here. I am in the US in an employment-at-will state.
I'm not sure this is the right place to post but I need help. I have been with my current company in the US almost 5 years. In the last year, I was curious about trying something different and expanding my skill set. I interviewed for another role in the organization and was offered the position. This role was a level up in a new domain working in a completely different role. In all of my previous roles, I either met expectations or exceeded expectations. I was a great employee. No issues whatsoever.
My new role has been a challenge and I have been working diligently at getting up to speed. Regardless, I have not been meeting expectations and a month ago I was put on an informal "action plan". I met weekly with my manager and discussed progress. There were no flags or issues mentioned in these meetings. Also during this time, I was moved in the organization due to company reorganization and was placed under a new manager. At the end of 4 weeks, I had a final meeting with my old manager and new manager. They said I improved some but wanted me to continue on the action plan. I asked when that decision was made and they said they were leaning towards it prior to the meeting.
I was not happy and stated I did not wish to continue working in this manner. My old manager would no longer be involved in the process. A week or so later, I had a meeting with my manager and someone from HR. I was being put on an official performance improvement plan (PIP).
The reasons listed in the PIP are not entirely accurate. I also have the option to take a mutual separation agreement which would provide me with 3 months pay, payment for unused vacation, 6 months health insurance, and some other minor things. One big kicker of the agreement is that I am not eligible for rehire.
I am beside myself. Although this new position was a "promotion" it wasn't a huge leap in pay. I sought out this position to grow in my career. I never thought I would be in this position. I am a dedicated employee and I have been trying my absolute best. I can't believe how cold the organization is right now.
People I've spoken to can't believe I've been placed on a PIP within the first year of a new position, especially for the reasons given. One person suggested getting legal advice. I don't know what to do other than look for a new job.
Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated!
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