Applying to a solid job of interest. Posted 14 days ago and want to apply ASAP, should I wait to connect with the hiring manager?

Hey there -

As the title says, I am applying to a job that I am very much interested in getting. Unfortunately, it didnt pop up on my radar until today for whatever reason, and it's already 14 days old. It is for a creative position, so my portfolio and resume will be included.

I have been advised to connect with the hiring manager on LinkedIn, due to the position being either an EasyApply on LinkedIn or through I understand that all these submissions look the same (basically) when they come in so I wanted to get as much upper-hand as possible, considering I'm coming in so late to the party.

Should I wait to connect on LinkedIn prior to sending my application into the system, in the off-chance I can have it passed along internally by the appropriate person? Or should I submit ASAP and still try to connect later?

Basically I don't want to address my Cover letter to the wrong person, and would like to avoid the "Dear Hiring Manager" but I don't think I have many options here.

Many thanks!

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Applying to a solid job of interest. Posted 14 days ago and want to apply ASAP, should I wait to connect with the hiring manager? Applying to a solid job of interest. Posted 14 days ago and want to apply ASAP, should I wait to connect with the hiring manager? Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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