Why can't you ever be negative about a past employer? Is it ever okay?

I know you're never supposed to badmouth your previous employer, but who are we bullshitting? Obviously there are problems where you're leaving if you're trying to get a new job. Why can't interviewers just hear people out? Obviously you wouldn't want to complain about small things, but if you have legitimate evidence of mismanagement and wrongdoings I think that should be fine to mention. You don't want to focus too much on it, but you should be able to at least say it. Is that okay?

Also, is it correct that employers don't want people speaking ill of past employers because it shows the candidate may speak poorly about them in the future? That seems like BS. If the negative things being said are things your company would never do then you have nothing to fear. If they are then you are the problem and that's a load of crap. To me it's like if you're on a date with someone you ask them about their last relationship and they mention briefly about how their ex used to beat them. Would you think "Oh god if they talk about their ex like this what will they say about ME?!" that's so backward and shady to me.

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Why can't you ever be negative about a past employer? Is it ever okay? Why can't you ever be negative about a past employer? Is it ever okay? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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