I'm in college, and I recently took a job at a smoothie place making 8 dollars an hour. Previously, I was working on campus as a painter for 7.25/hour. I can still go back to this job whenever. I want to quit the new job after only working 3 days. I just hate it so much. Everyone that works there is miserable, and I've received no real training. I've worked 5 to 7 hour days and haven't received a single break even though they're included in my schedule. I don't know what I'm doing half the time. I finally managed to get the hang of making smoothies, only to find out that I wasn't even going to stay on smoothie. Instead, I'm getting moved to food, and I absolutely hate everything about it. Additionally, I'm making less money at this job than at painting due to working 10 less hours + taxes(by working on campus I'm exempt from social security and Medicare). I'm supposed to go in at 7am tomorrow and work until 3. I'm seriously considering just not showing up, and going back to my old job instead.
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