What do you actually do in an office job?

Made a post about this on r/office but thought I might try on here as well.

So I'm a 20M artist living in Canada. While I would love to make art my full time job, I know that I need something else to pay the bills as art isn't exactly profitable to say the least. So I was curious of working an office job. But it seems whenever you search it up its always stuff like "What its like to work an office job!" "Pros and cons of working an office job!" but I wanted to know what people who work in an office actually DO. Like the day to day responsibilities, etc.

So I wanted to ask; What do you do at an office job? how do you gain the experience for this type of job? and what different types of office work are there? or places I can learn more about it?

Thank you :)

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What do you actually do in an office job? What do you actually do in an office job? Reviewed by Louhi on avril 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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