I'm currently a contractor at a pharma company in downtown Seattle. Wasn't sure if I'd be hired FTE, boss left for paternity leave, updated my resume and linkedin. Two weeks ago a recruiter got in touch about working at a startup I've already been following for a while, had a phone interview last week which went excellently, and have an on-site interview tomorrow.
Meanwhile, at my current job, I was just verbally given an FTE offer at 60k/year by my boss which I verbally said sounded great. Other people working at the company for three years in my position only make 62k and it's only my second biotech job out of college.
I'd rather work at the startup. The work would be more fulfilling, I'd get to run my own research projects, get more marketable experience in flow cytometry and it's more R&D oriented which is where I want to be long term.
They're both RAI level positions, I'd rather work at the startup, have only gotten an offer from the pharma company so far.
TL/DR: Do you mention other offers at interviews? Is there any way for it to come up to show that other companies want to hire me showing I'm a worthwhile employee? I don't know. Any advice would be helpful.
I'm meeting with five different senior scientists over the course of the day tomorrow if that's helpful.
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