Lately I’ve been thinking about finding a new job, but I have a fear that if I leave I will end up regretting it. Has anyone been in this position before, and if you left your job did you regret it or not?
I’m trying to weight the pros and cons of my current job, to make a decision.
Been at my job for over 12 years, some of my coworkers feel like family
I have seniority and people like me
My bosses tell me I’m doing a great job and ask me if I’m happy
My salary is in the 6 digit range
I like most of my coworkers
I don’t work on weekends and I don’t check my work email after I leave work
The president totally stresses me out, he is an extreme workaholic and micromanager
We’ve been having surprise late meetings lately where I have to stay after hours for a couple hours (maybe 3-4 times a month)
One of my coworkers who I work most closely with drives me up the wall. She is extremely intense and demanding
My commute is long
So.... should I stay or should I go? I should also add that for similar positions out there, the pay would be about 30k less than my current salary.
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