Can a restaurant "fire" me for bringing up wages and tax my tips?

Sorry this is long but I don't know where else to post.

A new restaurant that's run by Chinese immigrants had opened up in my city a few months ago. I decided to get a job waitressing there to make some side money (I'm a full time college student and this is my first real job).

There was no interview -- I said that I was interested in working and boss-lady added me on Wechat into their worker's group chat and I was "hired".

I went one night for training and I practiced waiting tables/using their system. I wasn't paid for that night and there was no paperwork for me to fill out or anything. I asked about wages and she said that my wages were my tips.

A couple days later, boss-lady called me in to work the evening shift (6-10PM) and I did, and I made about $80 in tips. She paid me $72 in cash saying she had to take 10% for taxes. It felt sketchy to me but I made decent money so I didn't complain.

I worked a couple more days there only when boss-lady asked when I can come in, always being paid my tips in cash. One day, due to slow business, I only made around $7/hour and boss-lady still tried to tax my tips.

I was starting to get frustrated that my tips were being taken away and I non-aggressively brought up the fact that they should be paying me a minimum salary and my tips shouldn't be taxable.

Boss-lady started spouting a bunch of excuses why I didn't have a wage (I'm not the one washing the bathrooms, they were letting me eat food there, I had an employee discount for food there, etc.) and said that they were doing my taxes for me so I didn't have to file an income tax. She gave a bunch of excuses and I wasn't sure on the validity I let it go.

After that night, boss-lady no longer called me in again and two days ago, she removed me from all the group chats and blocked me on Wechat.

It's been bothering me a little and I'm not sure why since I didn't particularly like the job anyways and I was planning to quit in a few weeks because I just got a paid research opportunity lined up. I guess I'm just upset because I feel that it's unfair that they "fired" me for asking a couple questions.

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Can a restaurant "fire" me for bringing up wages and tax my tips? Can a restaurant "fire" me for bringing up wages and tax my tips? Reviewed by Louhi on avril 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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