So, let me start by saying I work in a fast food establishment. My other boss that was replaced by my current boss was shit but at the same time he was my friend, didn’t yell at us, and at least allowed us to sit down when we were very tired if it wasn’t busy etc.
I have informed the owners and am waiting for an investigation since I have talked to the restaurant owner and he hasn’t done anything I spoke to the franchise owner via email. I just was looking for some advice and was hoping to rant a bit.
I’m pregnant, and have never thrown up at work but the other night she was yelling at me so much I had to walk into our staff room, ball my eyes out and just gag for a straight 10 minutes while trying to compose myself. I only get like that when I’m highly stressed out. My other coworkers agree she has to go. She will give out the wrong order and sit and yell at us for not making her extras, take people from our jobs to do her own, impolitely talk to the staff (and by that I mean yell). Nobody else is around to witness this but 3 other people who also take this abuse. The other day she yelled at a coworker for making her “too many of a side” before a rush. He is the cleaner and doesn’t have to help at all, but he saw 10 cars coming into the drive thru and decided it would be good to make some, and thus he got screamed at for doing so. She doesn’t listen to what we tell her so she’ll hand out the wrong orders, slam the appliances closed, and just sit there and be little us for the entire night. She has sat there and told me to “help my company” even though she takes me off my position to swap with another co worker she likes better. My friend pukes everyday before work because her anxiety is so high when it comes to working with my boss. I told my other co worker who said I just shouldn’t cry and shouldn’t care “if I don’t cry, if I don’t care, who will?”
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