Quick story; I was just let go from an internship I’ve been at for 1 year (it was supposed to go on for 6 more months but the company says there’s no longer a need for my position).
My entire time here, the company has been lying to me and using me for cheap labor. When I was hired as an intern, I was told I’d be hired after graduation, and that I was being hired while still in school because the job required 1.5 years of training. I learned after a few months that this was a lie told to interns and temporary employees to get them to work harder in pursuit of full time employment.
So after being told I’d get hired after I graduated, a new manager was hired and acted like there was never an agreement that I’d be hired. I had come to terms with that months ago, as I didn’t even want to work for a company that would lie about something like that. The new manager would then drop hints that I’d been with the company too long. “I’ve never had an intern work for us a for so long.” I’d then try to explain what the arrangement was but he brushed it off. It was awfully annoying but I stuck around because the job paid well and I like my coworkers.
I at least thought they’d let me stay till I graduated, but I just found out that I’m being let go. My final day is in 2 weeks. I asked about using my manager for references and while he acknowledged I was a good employee, he said HR forbids the managers from being references.
My entire time here I’ve worked my butt off and everyone around me seems to agree that I pull my weight. Since I can’t use my manager as a reference, I’m wondering if there’s any negatives in just completely giving up on my current assignments. I doubt anyone would really notice and I just don’t have any motivation anymore.
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