I got a new job just 2 weeks ago and now totally OVERLOADED! I got a bachelors degree in Marketing but choose to work as a purchasing staff in a foreign company. I never been in this position before so I have learned a lot of things. Luckily, its not too hard for me to acknowledge all of things. But thing just doesn't go well as it should. My colleague (the old staff who has worked for more than 1 year) is just fucking irresponsible!! She's pregnant (4-5 months) so she just let everything go and suddenly off work for 2 weeks and left unfinished tasks to me! I called her but she didn't reply.
Now i just don't know what to do and where to start. Meanwhile, the boss don't stop urging me to finish everything. I just stressed outtt :((( Negative thoughts comes through my mind all the times, i swear and just feel i hate that fucking colleagues!!
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