Is it true well playing jobs in electrical engineering require master's degrees?

I've been told by a few people electrical engineering isn't an ideal career path because the notable jobs start at masters degrees.

But I'm not quite sure they're correct because apparently bachelor's aren't what they used to be; master's basically the same.

If I shouldn't pick electrical engineering, then what should I develop an interest in then? I've kept my eyes around other stem related careers but can't feel too interested in anything but this.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Sorry, meant paying*, not playing in the title.

Edit 2: Some clarification, lazy so I'll paste the comment

I was thinking after a couple years experience 50k, but what I'm worried about is that I can't raise it with education.

I should've clarified in the post, but when people tell me master's are where the more prominent jobs are, making note bachelor's aren't as good, I get worried that should I continue in education I'd be behind other careers.

I'd want to be able to consider other careers before setting my mind on this.

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Is it true well playing jobs in electrical engineering require master's degrees? Is it true well playing jobs in electrical engineering require master's degrees? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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