At what point does constant farting become hazardous?

I just joined a company for my first job out of grad school. The very first project I was assigned to was under a more senior person who is smart and resourceful. But within a few weeks of working with her, I noticed that she farts A LOT. We don't sit too close to each other, but very often when she comes to my desk a smell will linger around her. A very pungent, dense smell that just sits there and doesn't go away. Before I knew it was her I thought there was a dead mouse near my desk. When I finally associated it with her, I thought it was bad breath, then I thought it was body odor. I'm not exaggerating when I say the smell lingers around her almost constantly on some days. One day I had a 20-minute meeting with her and someone else from a different department. The smell was there throughout the meeting, as though she was farting continuously for 20 minutes. I'm mortified that he thinks it was me. On a particularly bad day, it hits you as soon as you walk into our huge room of ~64 cubicles. I can smell it from my desk on some days.

I've spoken privately to two of my co-workers about it. They say everyone knows. I heard that a colleague brought it up with HR. They sent him a can of air freshener. Several people who sit around her seem to have air freshener which they use liberally on bad days. It's really awkward. A group of people who sit in her immediate vicinity is planning to bring it up privately with our managers and have asked me to come with them (because I've been working closely with her). I'm considering it for their sake, despite being new. I can safely say that everyone in our department, including the managers, knows how bad the problem is. My colleagues who have it worst don't want it ignored any longer by the managers, who have the luxury of private offices. One of them told me a manager had acknowledged the problem to her once.

This is unlike anything I've ever experienced, and it's been quite the surprise problem. How do you think the managers will respond to this very real problem without overstepping boundaries of medical privacy, and without discriminating against her? Another thing to note is she's more senior and more valuable (as far as I can tell) than the group that's planning to bring this up. Should I join them? What surprise job problems have you experienced and how did you deal with them?

Edit: A few people have mentioned that it might not be farts but a colostomy bag. I've explained in this comment why I'm confident it's farting. Also, the two people I've spoken to think it's farting. I'm going to bed for real now (~1 AM ET) but I appreciate the feedback and criticism and wish I had the chance to respond to everyone.

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At what point does constant farting become hazardous? At what point does constant farting become hazardous? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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