For the Frustrated

If you can afford it, DON'T lower your expectations and take the first job you can get. Please don't. I understand situations where you absolutely have to, but if you can afford to wait and keep trying, please do.

I took the first job I was offered. $16 an hour doing payroll for a medium sized business. It was soul destroying. The atmosphere sucked. Everyone hated each other. I was treated like crap. I also got made the receptionist without being told, as well as performing my boss's job so she could fuck around on her computer each and every day while also grilling me to do her tasks perfectly. I started to hate it more than anything. I'd cry in the bathroom. I have a bachelor's degree in accounting, which was preferred. No benefits in sight. Nothing that made it worth the while.

I quit without a backup. This is also not the best thing to do for some people - I totally get it. This is just my experience. I quit when they progressively treated me even worse then lost all of my PPI without any regard. Then, I was told in the "nicest" way possible that they lied about the growth potential and raises - none of it would ever happen.

Painstakingly, I resumed the job hunt feeling pretty hopeless. However, this time, I stopped throwing my resume into the void, crossing my fingers to get just any sort of offer. I found a job that I actually genuinely wanted, then I applied. Then I didn't think about it for weeks, until I was called for an interview.

In the interview, I really didn't think I had it. I really thought it'd be out of my reach. I didn't get optimistic. You know where this is going. I got the offer and now make almost double what I was making at the last job, with amazing benefits and growth opportunities. The atmosphere is wonderful, everyone around me is great, my boss is incredibly kind, I love what I do, I work with no micromanagement, and I just got asked if I want to work remotely. I showed up today to gifts on my desk from coworkers - coworkers that I just met but have formed quick friendships with.

If you're feeling hopeless or stuck, just know that you're not alone and you aren't out of options. Something is out there for you. For me, it was in a different city, which we will be moving to in the spring (I happily commute for now). I'm usually pretty pessimistic, so I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself and scrolling endlessly on this subreddit. I didn't think it would finally be my turn. I drive home every day with a smile on my face, not at all dreading the next day. Sure, there will be bad days. There will be stressful days. It's to be expected. However, in the atmosphere that I'm in right now, I'm ready for it and I'm not scared of it.

I'm so happy, you guys. After over a year of searching, then working a shitty job, I finally got to where I wanted to be. If it hasn't happened to you yet, it will soon. Let's hope this sticks. I'm ready to be optimistic.

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For the Frustrated For the Frustrated Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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