Data Entry job, no experience required, salary of 950$ per month, best for students.

If you want to work in the data entry domain, than here is an opportunity:

I am talking about my experience here.

I got hired 4 months ago, it took 2 weeks to get the contract( you need to sign a physical contract, they do not accept it digitally).

I started a 1 week training course which counted as work and than I started working for real, at the end of the month I got 855 $, not 950 $ because it's a contract based job and they auto-pay the taxes for you, witch is 10% in my country.

What you have to do? You have to read bills and all sorts of documents and input the data that they request into a software they provide, it's very easy, it's the best job for me as I am only 20 and a student.

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Data Entry job, no experience required, salary of 950$ per month, best for students. Data Entry job, no experience required, salary of 950$ per month, best for students. Reviewed by Louhi on décembre 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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