I just started a new job moving matresses and the interviewer kinda did a bad job about really explaining the work, long story short it was a shock when I realised I would be carrying queens and kings by myself unloading and loading multiple trucks, they did warn me the first week would suck and I'm so fucking sore, I started yesterday and had today off thank god, but I was literally so sore I could barely use my arms and core all day. Has anybody had any experience starting a job that was very labour intensive and they were extremely sore and fatigued after the first day? How do I go about explaining that I might need to take it easy for the first week. I'm using muscles I've probably never used before, and I am really worried about not preforming. I need to keep this job untill I get my car in 7 months. Do you think they will be mad at me? I don't want to be the guy who can't carry his own weight and I feel like I'm a burden right now. I want to put the time in to get my strength up to do the job but in the meantime it feels like I'm walking on glass if I can't preform.. I kinda feel bad for the guys if I can't do what they can do yet. I stuggled carrying some stuff other guys had no problems with I really don't wanna be the guy who says "let me get the lighter stuff." I feel like a total dick..
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