40 hour work weeks are dead! Anyone know of companies actively promoting less hours/week?

I’m talking standard American companies who recognize the numerous studies citing same or even increased productivity that have come with shorter work weeks. Microsoft Japan provides a positive example. Unilever NZ is currently exploring this idea.

I know healthcare and warehouse work already tend to employ 4 day work weeks (though with 12 hour shifts they are asking you to still work more!). I’m not willing to go back to school or learn an entirely new trade. And not looking for hourly pay structured jobs obviously.

I’m asking about standard companies with a typical corporate structure. (Always happy to hear about some creative alternatives, too).


NPR- Microsoft Japan Article

Guardian - Unilever article

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40 hour work weeks are dead! Anyone know of companies actively promoting less hours/week? 40 hour work weeks are dead! Anyone know of companies actively promoting less hours/week? Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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