Losing my life to "the job search"

I don't know what to do. Job searching has been an on/off cancer on my life for about 3 years now. I should be working hard, making money, saving some, thinking about where I can go in a career, looking at potential job changes I can make to get there, but it's just job hunting. That's it. Just endless fucking job hunting. I'm 29 and I'm losing my life to fucking "Unfortunately we will not be progressing". As a result I have no motivation to do anything else, learn languages, skills, etc, I can't go anywhere because of the virus. What the fuck are you supposed to do when just job hunting IS your life?

How the fuck is this even possible? What the fuck am I doing wrong?

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Losing my life to "the job search" Losing my life to "the job search" Reviewed by Louhi on mai 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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