What's the worst advice you have received when starting a new job?

This can be from anyone (new co-workers, ex-boss, family, friends etc.)

Mine was from my former employer (family) who told me not to show them everything I am capable of because they would exploit me.

I believe it came from a good place, but he could not have been more wrong. I do agree that you shouldnt spread yourself too thin or encourage negative behavior in the workplace but I always try my hardest at any job.

When I started my current job and decided that this was a place I can see myself working for a long time (plenty of 10+ year employees), I poured myself into learning as much as possible. This got me noticed and other members began teaching me new skills.

At one point in time it did backfire on me when one of the managers started piling his work on me, but when it became known what was going on, it was stopped by upper mgmt.

Since then I have received regular raises and a new opportunity to move up in the company has opened up!

Whats your story?

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What's the worst advice you have received when starting a new job? What's the worst advice you have received when starting a new job? Reviewed by Louhi on mars 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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