TLDR - get annoyed at companies not responding, and jobs not putting salary on adverts.
I've currently got a job, it's fine, pays decent, company is stable, good benefits. I realise this is a privileged position to be in and I have little to complain about.
I've been at my current company for two years and in role for about a year, and I'm getting itchy feet.
Itchy feet, and a desire for the next step in my career (i.e. more money and more responsibility). I feel unlikely to get it where I am, so I've started keeping my eye out for something more interesting and more £££.
I've probably applied for about a dozen jobs, and I think it's so crazy how little you hear back from them.
I've had one flat out rejection, no biggy, the job was a bit further than what I would want to travel anyway.
Had a call back from another but didn't pay enough so respectfully declined and asked to be kept in mind for something more senior, again no problem, I thought it may have been too junior but was very local. Just include a salary range though, saves everyone some time. Competitive salary is meaningless! Competitive for who!
Had a call back from one, but didn't quite pay enough (but potentially more than what I'm currently on - again though, no salary range on job spec), the main turn off was it being very office based and too far away. I had applied assuming it would be largely home based in a post covid/new ways of working world. But that's fine. I don't mind nipping something in the bud rather than wasting energy on something I wouldn't be happy doing (namely the commute).
Another role, I got a request for an informal telephone interview, which I was really happy about as the role sounded really good, and wasn't too far away. Had the interview, it went OK, the person conducting it seemed a bit distracted so was quite difficult over Teams. Said I would find out by the end of last week, didn't hear anything back. Emailed them to ask for some idea of timelines and nothing.
Everything else, radio silence. It's just so frustrating. I'm applying at large companies so realise they have lots of applicants, but if they're not progressing your application they should utilise the function of their HR system to send out the rejections!
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