Job asked for references after interview and I don't have any. I'm okay with not taking the job so how should I let them know?

I've been applying to jobs and always make sure references aren't required. A few days ago I applied to one that didn't say anything about references. I interviewed this morning and it went well. I felt like I'd get the job.

However, I just got an e-mail from the person I interviewed with saying they forgot to ask for references and to forward them 3 professional ones.

How do I get out of this? I just talked about how much I was interested in the job during the interview so it'd feel weird telling them I'm no longer interested.

Also if it helps, I'm fresh out of university and applying to lab assistant jobs. I have more interviews lined up and I'm not in desperate need of a job either so declining isn't the end of the world for me.

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Job asked for references after interview and I don't have any. I'm okay with not taking the job so how should I let them know? Job asked for references after interview and I don't have any. I'm okay with not taking the job so how should I let them know? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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