I just got through a 4 hour long meeting that extended past work hours. Just venting because I'm pretty upset right now!

How can someone possibly think that this is ok? I am so upset right now, it's like some people live in their own little world without regards to how the other person is feeling.

I know that some people looove their jobs, but I come in there, do my job and then I leave. I'm the newest hire so I can't be complaining or whining about stuff, but today I had a meeting that lasted from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Not only was it a ridiculously long meeting, but I get off at 6:00 pm so he has now taken unpaid time out of my life. I'm also upset because:

  1. He rambles so much. It's hard to keep up with him because in addition he talks fast while rambling. He explains simple things in the longest and most convoluted way possible and I fell asleep at one point (cameras weren't on) and woke up when he asked if I was still following (ugh, still cringe that I did this) and I had to make so bs excuse why I didn't catch where he finished off.

  2. Smart guy, but has this horrible tendency of saying one thing and then completely changing his mind to something else, which completely throws me off and makes me lose my train of thought.

  3. He also gives a lot of completely unnecessary information to the relevant task that it makes it hard to follow. I know he was just trying to explain the project - but we already discussed doing it in chunks so why all the info that isn't pertinent to the first chunk of the task? How could I be expected to remember all that?

I'm literally going in to work tomorrow with 0 understanding of what my goal is (which is also ruining my day because that's all I can focus on right now). If a process needs 4 hours of explaining but it's "simple", then you really need to look at yourself and decide why it took you 4 hours to explain something "simple".

Sorry, just venting because I'm so upset right now. I use to love my job but I'm starting to hate my line of work because of these kinds of people. It's amazing to me how different everybody's workflow is, and how different everybody learns and teaches things. I'm more of a hands on person so this was completely useless to me.

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I just got through a 4 hour long meeting that extended past work hours. Just venting because I'm pretty upset right now! I just got through a 4 hour long meeting that extended past work hours. Just venting because I'm pretty upset right now! Reviewed by Louhi on février 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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