Hey all! So I re-applied to a legal position with the US government that I applied for last year. Basically, last year I got referred to the hiring manager, was requested to submit a writing sample, and was then invited to an interview. I did not land the job.
This year I re-applied, got referred, and was again ask to submit a writing sample. The thing about the writing sample is that they did not request a traditional writing sample. They provided a prompt with some basic questions and asked u to answer it in 1-5 pages.
The prompt this year exactly the same as last year. I think I should create an all new writing sample, but given my job and COVID, I really don’t have any new experiences to talk about (given the substantial less work we’ve been getting). Also, I was really proud of my writing sample last year as I highlighted all of my major accomplishments.
Question is... should I again try to come up with another writing sample (talking about other, not as major accomplishments) to show innovative or re-use the same one given it asks the same exact question?
Please lmk as they only provide me with 3 days to submit this sample.
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