Start my own company or work for one for less pay that has been around for generations?

So, I have been involved in a very specific line of work for 6 years now. I have started from the bottom and worked my way up to operations manager/lead sales role; however the owners of the company I work for do not listen to my opinions or pay attention when I say I can make things much more efficient. I have been offered a position with a company for slightly less pay than what I am making now, but it has far less responsibilities and I’m not required to work 12 hour shifts as well as being on call every weekend. Another option I have in front of me is that I have been speaking with some investors that are ready to invest in me to start my own similar company. I have quite a few clients from my current job who have stated they will follow me if I start my own business, and I have never signed a non-compete so there will be no lawsuit against me if I decide to go that route. What should I do? Play it safe and go with the company that has been around, or risk it and start my own company with a chance to succeed and build one from the ground up the way I see fit? I’m in my thirties, so I’m not afraid of failure and it won’t be the end of the world if I do. However, getting a job in this industry if I do fail will be nearly impossible since this will burn some bridges with the competition. If anyone has any similar stories or advice it would be greatly appreciated.

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Start my own company or work for one for less pay that has been around for generations? Start my own company or work for one for less pay that has been around for generations? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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